Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Ways to be thankful

This week, everyone asks "what are you thankful for?" and the expectation is that you'll get a dreamy look in your eyes and start an oration of thankfulness that's neverending. What if you don't feel especially thankful? What if the economy/partner/spot on your shirt and a presentation in 5 min. has got you in a spiral of negativity and you are kind of comfortable in that place? We've all been there, but no one really likes staying there, so here are a few things you can do to make yourself be a dreamy-eyed thankful soul.

  • Make a list. Literally list every single thing that you are thankful for and write each item down and repeat them outloud. A few of my favorites are; my good health, my strong fingernails (women would kill to have my unbreakable beauties!), my pets, my car that runs, my amazing friends that inspire me, the belly laugh I had last night watching my grandson mimic me, a house full of get the idea. From the sublime to the ridiculous.
  • Imagine it. Think back to one of your happiest moments in your life, a time you felt like you were the luckiest person in the world and on top of it all. What were you wearing? Who was with you, what did your posture feel like? What did your environment look like? What happened exactly to make you so happy? What were the words that were spoken. OK, got it pulled up in your brain? Now remember the waves of happiness, joy, the feeling of lightness of being and just live in that moment for a minute. Your brain doesn't know the difference between real and imagined joy, it fires in the same locations and delivers the same happy-juice that coursed through your body then. Revel in it.
  • Now start being thankful for thing things that will be; your great new job, your strong relationships, that 15 lbs. you're trying to shed. Remember, your brain doesn't know the difference between real and imagined and the minute you start creating your own future, it sets to work in making it happen. State your intention to the Universe, be thankful, and don't worry about the "how". It will happen.

Want a shortcut to happiness? Pick 3 things/situations that made you so happy and give them a name. Say that name when the dark curtain of negativity starts to fall and you'll feel your spirits lift.

What am I thankful for? Living my dream...try it!

Today, choose joy!


Saturday, November 22, 2008

New beginnings

The sense that a change in your life has to be made comes as a quiet whisper, a gut reaction. I have a tendancy towards over-analysis and sometimes ignore that instinct. Joyce Brothers, psychologist, recently said Trust your hunches. They're usually based on facts filed away just below the conscious level. And if you ignore those quiet whispers, they build up to a roar until you take care of them.

And then? You reach out for guidance and figure out what the next step is! Send me a message and let me know what your challenge is and let's figure it out together.

Today, choose joy!
