Sunday, December 28, 2008

Welcoming 2009!

Happy New Year!

This is a great time to wipe the slate clean and create your destiny. Many people resolve to exercise more, get in shape, go to the gym more often. Well, don't forget to exercise the direction of your own thoughts!

There is a lot being written now about the power of intention. Dr. Wayne Dyer, Rhonda Byrne, the author of The Secret and others have described powerful ways to recreate your future by directing the path your mind takes.

Have you noticed when you've got a negative thought (I'll never get a promotion, I know I'll mess up the presentation, no one values my input at work, etc.), it gives birth to many more?

“Watch your words: they become your thoughts.
Watch your thoughts: they become your actions.
Watch your actions: they become your habits.
Watch your habits: they become your destiny.”
~ Frank Outlaw

Envision the year ahead exactly how you want it to look, under your own terms, with exactly the outcome you want. Each time your thoughts start to scatter & start to take a negative turn, flex your brain and retrieve that vision. Is it a lot of work to monitor your thoughts? Yes. It's tough initially, but just like working your muscles, it becomes easier to do with practice. And also just like working out regularly, with practice, you can go farther than you ever thought possible!

Need some help creating that vision and achieving it? Send me a message and let's find out how to make your 2009 the best year ever!

Today, choose joy!


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